
中醫師誓詞 The Oath of Chinese Medicine Practitioners


The Oath of Chinese Medicine Practitioners

Having chosen Chinese herbal medicine to be my profession. 


I hereby solemnly swear that I will honor my mentors and appreciate their contributions.  

I will see all Chinese medicine practitioners and my colleagues with comity.  

I will protect my patients’ confidentiality.  

I will do my utmost to help people, respect lives and humanity.  

I promise sincerely that I will treat my patients regardless of their social status, wealth, age or their relationship with me. I will treat them like family. 

I will prioritize my patients’ heath regardless of their religion, nationality, politics or social status.  

I will try my best to improve human lives and never use my knowledge of Chinese medicine against humanity.  

I will be cautious of my words with no tolerance of gossips or hurtful actions, bragging or seeking fame. 

I will practicemy profession with good conscience, dignity, professional ethics and tomaintain the highest professional and ethical standards for the profession.


Upon my beliefsstated above, I hereby solemnly and voluntarily pledge my oath.

中醫師誓詞       當我選擇中醫醫學作為我一生志業的此刻 

·         我鄭重地宣誓,我將給予我的師長最大的崇敬及感戴。

·         我將視中醫同業為我的手足。

·         我將尊重病人所寄託的秘密。

·         我將要盡我的力量,全心全意救人離苦,以人為本,尊重生命。

·         我鄭重地保證治病不分貴賤貧富,長幼親疏,皆當一視同仁,視病如親。

·         我將以病人的健康為首念,不容許有宗教,國籍,種族,政治或地位的考量。

·         我將盡可能地維護人類生命,絕不運用我的中醫醫學知識去違反人道醫療

·         我將慎於言辭,不容許揚長論短,誹謗攻擊,炫耀才眾,沽名釣譽的行為。

·         我將本諸我的良心和尊嚴從事中醫行業,維護中醫師的榮譽和高尚的傳統。

·         基於以上的理念,我鄭重地,自主地宣誓以上的誓詞。



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